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Viðskiptablaðið on COVID-19

Here is a short interview with Magnús Árni Skúlason on the potential economic consequences of the COVID-19 virus.

Sjöundu hæstu útgjöld til R&Þ

Skýrsla um frum­kvöðla og ný­sköp­un

Í skýrslunni, sem Reykjavík Economics vann fyrir Íslandsbanka, er litið á stöðu nýsköpunar á Íslandi og mikilvægi þess að skjóta frekari...

Report on the economic impact of WOWair

In March we did a research for WOW air on the economic impact of the company and the consequences of its fall. Here is the report in...

Swiss National Television interviews us

An interview with Magnús Árni Skúlason aired on Swiss National Television about housing and Airbnb in Iceland....

Fyrstu kaup mun dýr­ari

Umfjöllun um íbúðamarkaðinn á Suðurnesjum

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